- 300g of Sugar
- 300g of all-purpose Flour
- 150g of Rice Flour
- 150g of Melted Butter
- 25g of Baking Powder
- 6 Eggs + Milk (total: 500ml)
- 1 Lemon (Zest)
Preheat the oven to 200ºC.
Mix the sugar with the butter, then the baker’s powder and the lemon zest. Mix all the ingredients.
Add the eggs with the milk and whisk it well. Then, add the flour.
Line the moulds with greaseproof paper and fill 2/3 with the dough.
Lower the heat of the oven to 175ºC and bake the cakes until becoming brown.
When it seems almost ready sprinkle a little of sugar on the top and let it starts to caramelize to give a nice crust.
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Mon. - Fri. 08.00 - 17.00

Rua Caminho do Senhor, 408
4410-083 V. N. Gaia, Portugal