For Merengue
- 6 Egg Whites
- 350g of Sugar
- 1 teaspoon and ½ of cornstarch
- 1 teaspoon e ½ de White Wine Vinegar
-  Food Coloring (Optional)

For the Filling
- 600 ml of Cream
- 10 soup spoon of sugar powder
- Zest of 2 lemons
In a large bowl, beat the egg whites. When they are firmly add the sugar gradually letting always incorporate well.
After incorporating all the sugar continue to beat for another 3-4 minutes, until the meringue becomes very firm and shiny.
Add the cornstarch and vinegar and beat just to wrap.
Optional - A few drops of vanilla extract can be added.
Line the shapes with vegetal papper and place the meringue in a pastry bag. Place a layer of meringue on the bottom of each shape.  
Place in the preheated oven at 180ºC, immediately lowering the temperature to 120ºC ventilated and let cook for 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Turn off the oven and let the meringue deixar o merengue cool down completely inside off the oven.
While the meringue cools, beat the cream and add the sugar. Once they are firm, put the lemon zest.
Reserve in the fridge.

Cake Mounting
Just before serving, put the filling in a pastry bag. Place the largest meringue disk as a base and cover with a layer of filling and add fruit to taste (red fruits, passion fruit ...). Place the medium meringue disk on top and repeat the operations. After covering with the last layer of meringue, decorate with powdered sugar and chocolate shavings (optional).
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