- 625 g de Farinha
- 250 g de Açúcar
- 190 g de Banha
- 125 g de Manteiga
- 6 g de Erva-doce
- 3 g de Cravinho-da-índia
- 3 g de Cravo-de-acha
- ½ colher de café de Mistura de Especiarias
- 500 g de Noz com Casca
- 65 g de Miolo de Amêndoa
- 12 g de Cidrão
- 1 colher e ½ de sopa de Bicarbonato de Sódio
- 65 g de Pão de Massa
- 450 ml de Mel de cana
- ¼ de um cálice de Vinho da Madeira                                                               
- 1 Laranja
The day before, buy the bread dough in a baker. Involve into flour and cover it with a cloth. Let rest for 12h.
Grind the spices and sift; cut the walnuts, the lemongrass and the almonds.
Dissolve the baking soda on the wine and melt the fats on the hot honey.
Grate the orange and squeeze the juice.
Sift the flour with the sugar into a big bowl and make a hole in the centre.
Put the bread dough in the centre and knead until it forms a uniform dough.
Add the honey and knead everything again.
Add the nuts, the wine, the orange peel, the orange juice and the spices. Knead all together.
Cover with a cloth and let it yeast for 3/4 hours.
Divide the dough and put it in the moulds previously oiled, bake for 50 minutes in the oven preheated to 180ºC.
Decorate with walnuts and almonds. Let it cool and keep it in greasepaper or cellophane. Stored it in a lidded box..
This cake can be kept for 1 year.
T +351 22 762 68 30 / 22 730 03 40
"Cost of calling to portuguese fixed network"
Mon. - Fri. 08.00 - 17.00

Rua Caminho do Senhor, 408
4410-083 V. N. Gaia, Portugal